Tuesday, 8 October 2013

10 Reasons Why Flexkom Is The Future Of Business In The UK

Here are 10 reasons why Flexkom is going to be the future of business and the future of shopping in the next year or two:

1. Flexkom has a business model that first gets Global Partners on board to promote the service, then gets customers and finally brings the Flexkobis/retailers to the party. In this way the retailers have a ready made set of customers to sell to and so are easy to bring on board.

2. Customers are easily attracted to shopping with Flexkom, either with a FlexCard or a FlexApp, as they get cashback on all their shopping and it makes it easy for them to find items or services they are interested in.

3. Retailers want to become a Flexkobi as they can promote their business to a whole new set of people through the Flexkom system and they can earn commissions through giving customers a FlexCard or FlexApp.

4. Flexkobis also have the advantage of having an online portal to sell their goods or services from, so they can merge their offline business with the online world.

5. The FlexApp can easily be shared and distributed amongst people as it is free to download, you can get cashback on  purchases through it and you can earn commissions through sharing it.

6. Global Partners are easy to attract due to the high residual income it is possible to earn through distributing FlexCards and FlexApps and opening up Flexkobis.

7. Flexkom merges Mobile Commerce, Geo-Commerce, Social Commerce and E-Commerce to make a complete and unique new shopping service.

8. M-Commerce is going to be the next big thing and Flexkom are ahead of the game in this respect and have a business model already tried and tested.

9. They have a strong technical team and an excellent sales team to drive the company on to becoming one of the largest companies in the world in the next few years.

10. The UK needs Flexkom!! The companies business model can give a boost to small and medium sized retailers and help to kickstart the ailing economy.

Flexkom Online Shopping

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